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How Art Collection Management Professionals Preserve Paintings

Art has the power to inspire one emotion after another. While the power of paint remains unrivaled, paintings don’t last forever without proper care. Professional art collection management companies ensure preservation via several measures. Let’s explore them below.

Immediate Care

Preservation starts as soon as a painting gets into the hands of the pros. Some paintings require extra care depending on the materials used. For example, acrylic paints are available in a wide array of textures and drying times. According to My Modern Met, this water-soluble paint is cost-effective, dries quickly, and is non-toxic. There are also waterborne, historic, and watercolor paints that require various preservation methods.


The environment in which a painting is stored plays a significant role in preserving it. Cooler temperatures help preserve paintings while hot, humid conditions can slowly wear away or run the paint. The canvas can even get damp in highly humid climates. Lighting is equally important; light exposure, including artificial light, can make paintings fade over time. This calls for special glass to help filter out light and lighting schedules to ensure paintings last as long as possible.


Paintings are in danger of being damaged during transportation. Art collection management companies take utmost care while transporting paintings to ensure nothing happens. Experienced professionals store paintings in crates to ensure they aren’t damaged. Some companies mount paintings on the sides of trucks to ensure they don’t slide around in the back of the car. Paintings are usually covered and surrounded with packing supplies to ensure they don’t move during transportation.

Assessments and Inspections

Art collection management companies carefully scrutinize paintings for signs of wear and tear or damage. Every detail is documented after an assessment to accurately record the painting’s condition. Management companies may make adjustments as necessary, such as not exposing a painting to the light because it’s starting to fade. They will also carefully brush away surface dirt. Annual condition inspections also take place in the event preservation conditions need to be altered.

We understand the importance of keeping your art collection in pristine condition from the beginning. Our art management company of fine art appraisers works diligently to ensure every client is satisfied with our preservation efforts. Contact AA Fine Art today to learn more about our strategic planning, preservation, and appraisal services.